Sunday, 20 April 2008

World of Warcraft Levelling Guides

Levelling in WoW can be a dreary, mind numbingly boring task, for some of us it takes weeks, others it can take months. There are a lot of guides out there, some are just ebooks where as there are others out there which are inbuilt into the game as an addon, these include Teaam iDemise's Guide, Elite WoW Guide and the Ultimate WoW Guide. All of these can get you from level one to seventy in less than a week of play time.

The question many ask though is should these be used?

The truth of the matter is that these guides, while effective make you miss out on a lot of the ingame content and background. Should WoW players use these levelling guides when it makes them miss out a lot of the intricate parts of the game. Ontop of that speeding through the content can leave a player a little lack lustre in skill.

Personally I have never used a levelling guide however I have been sent Review copies of them and I can safely say their quality is excellent, with fantastic way point, quest and killing information built into the game to ensuer you level at the fastest possible speed in WoW.

1 comment:

james blake said...

Ya,i agree with u partially because i and some of my friends have been taking the help of these WOW guides in playing the games.We felt that most of the time they proved useful to us.Some bugs are usual in these days,they might have troubled you friend.......
james blake
wow gold