Friday, 28 March 2008

Magtheridon Patch 2.4 Changes - for better or for worse?

I am quite disappointed that the once great Magtheridon has been nerfed into such an easy fight.

The once great boss can now be taken down with ease, and though his loot has been increased (Badges of justice, bag of epic gems and a non unique 20 slot bag) I cant help but miss the challenge that players faced with co-ordinating such an epic fight.

This kind of change I can't help but feel signifies a dumbing down of world of warcraft to accomodate those who find it harder to play. Especially with things like the removal of attunement for karazhan I am incredibly worried about the number of undergeared players who will start fighting for raid spots with excuses like 'I did it before' 'my damage is good enough' and 'look at my damage meter, i didnt do my crowd control job because i like high numbers'.

But back onto the subject, is anyone actually pleased by the magtheridon nerf? Is it allowing your guild to progress just a little bit further?

Or are you more of the side that liked a challenging, easy to get to boss, that helped train your guild into good co-ordination.

Either way, for better or for worse Maggy has been changed beyond recognition.

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