Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Attunement, Should it be Removed?

Attunement is required for many raid instances to enter the portal. In most cases it entails a quest chain following certain bosses, completing certain instances but in all cases making sure you are geared and ready for upcoming instance.

Several months ago Blizzard removed SSC and TK attunement and in patch 2.4 they are removing Karazhan attunement. This has caused an uproar from a lot of people, but there is some reasoning behind it in my eyes.

Attunement is incredibly good at keeping out the poor players from instances. This removes a lot of guild drama, failed runs and all in all people leaving the game.

On the other hand however, many poor players end up getting boosted through the instances by better players, usually in the guild. This means that the once relevant (Especially Kara) attunement becomes an annoyance, especially to guilds having to run lower standard players through the attunement process.

Do you think Attunement to lower level raid instances is still required?

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