Thursday, 15 May 2008

Should they Revamp the Old Instances

Like most people I love doing Heroics, old isntances with fresh challenges and some pretty nice gems to boot. I have done some more times than is wise, leaving me with a slight distaste for them, but even after I have grown tired I still find myself going back when it's the daily heroic.

The question arises though, why not make all instances have a Heroic Mode, with better loot and some fun quirks.

Running gnomeregan with maybe a gauntlet stage as you head down, Deadmines with an Epic Van Cleef or maybe going through Shadowfang Keep (One of my favorite, if not more pain in the arse instances to get to)

I would quite like a Heroic Scarlet Monestary, Cathedral was a hellova fun instance in my view, as was SM Library and SM Armoury. These instances were a staple of my levelling and I have to admit I miss them sometimes!

But with the new heroics I think there should definately be new challenges, like the gauntlet in ZA or maybe just bosses with more inventive special abilities that we saw appear in the burning crusade (I loved the variety in Karazhan!) Hell why not have a Heroic Karazhan!

Do you think that the old instances should get given a Heroic Mode?

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